[ENG TRANS] Jukjae – Dream | 적재 – 꿈

Saw that jukjae had uploaded this song on soundcloud and I’m loving this song so much! It really is sooo good and i could have it on repeat forever. Jukjae’s voice is so therapeutic and sooo soothing. I could listen to his voice all day and i’m always glad when he releases more songs. I didn’t know that he was active on soundcloud (well once in awhile at least) and when i saw that he uploaded a new song on soundcloud i immediately jumped and went to listen to it haha. In a mood to listen and find new songs lately hahaha. And the lyrics are so sweet as well!! And that guitarrrrr ahhh asolutely love these

Wish this song would be released as an official release someday as well. 😦 It’s so hard to listen to songs on soundcloud AND spotify at the same time gah i wish there is some platform that merges both soundcloud and spotify that isn’t Youtube Music lolol. Anyway, hope that this helps whoever found Jukjae’s beautiful song on SC to understand the song better :’)

Jukjae – Dream
적재 – 꿈

부푼 꿈을 안고 잠에 드는 것
Sleeping while embracing my big dream
그것보다 좋은 것도 없는 걸
There’s nothing better than that as well
매일매일이 그대와 같은 색이면
If the sky everyday is the same colour as you
나는 더 바랄 것이 없네
There would be nothing more I’d wish for

길을 걷다 마주친 소나기 처럼
Like a midsummer shower that i meet while taking a walk
아무 예고도 없이 인사를 건네
It greets me without any warning
참 오랜만이야 어떻게 지냈어
Its been awhile, how have you been?
많이 보고 싶었어
I’ve missed you a lot

한동안 잊고 있었어
I’d forgotten about it for awhile
많은 걸 놓치고 말았어
and missed out on a lot of things
많은 말은 필요 없었어
not much needed to be said
이제야 모든게 들어맞는 것만 같아
it seems like only now everything is fitting into place

부푼 꿈을 안고 잠에 드는 거
Sleeping while embracing my big dream
그것보다 좋은 것도 없는 걸
There’s nothing better than that as well
매일 하늘이 오늘과 같은 색이면
If the sky everyday is the same colour as that of today
나는 더 바랄 것이 없네
There would be nothing more I’d wish for

어릴적 아빠차에서 들었던 그 노래는
When I was younger, the songs I used to listen to in my dad’s car
낭만이라는게 있었던 것 같은데
It felt like there was some sort of romance in it
마치 오래전부터 알고 있었던 것 처럼 음~
As if I had known about it since long ago

늘 내 키보다 큰 무언가를 그리던 나였어
I was always desiring for something bigger than my height
키작은 소년은 서른이 지나가도
Even when the short boy passed the age of 30
여기 그대로있어
He’s still here exactly as before

부푼 꿈을 안고 잠에 드는 거
Sleeping while embracing my big dream
그것보다 좋은 것도 없는 걸
There’s nothing better than that as well
모든 걸 다 놓친것만 같던 밤에
On a night where it seemed like everything was missed out on
잠 못 이루던 밤은 이젠 안녕
Goodbye now to the nights where I can’t sleep
아무 걱정 없이 잠에 드는게
Sleeping without any worries
언제였는지 기억도 없는 걸
I don’t even remember when was the last time
매일 하늘이 오늘과 같은 색이면
If the sky everyday is the same colour as that of today
나는 더 바랄 것이 없네
There would be nothing more I’d wish for

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