[R:ENG TRANS] 9z – Yours

Clearing some backlog of translation requests that i’ve gotten the past few weeks and this!!! I’ve translated a few other songs of his previously here and i always remember how his lyrics are really… deep :’) His singing style in this song felt a little bit like Lee Juck’s voice at some points haha but also thought it was quite a different style from his previous songs that i really liked. Nonetheless, still very unique and soo different from the style of songs that We Are The Night does.

9z – Yours

삶이 점점 희미해질 때
when life gradually gets a little fainter
아무 일도 일어나지 않는 하루가
a day where absolutely nothing happens
때로는 무척 두렵기도 해
sometimes feels extremely intimidating
운명이 나를 미워하는 건가
is it that fate hates me?
지나가는 건가
or is it going to pass?
흐려지는 밤이야
it is a night that is getting dim
그저 아무 말도 말고
just don’t say anything
다 아는 것처럼 힘껏 안아줘
hug me with all your might as if you knew everything
삶은 돌고 도는 회전목마
life is a carousel that goes round and round
모든 걸 알고 싶지는 않아
i don’t want to know about everything

온통 안개 같은 것 뿐이야
it all seems just like fog
그냥 고맙다는 말을 하려고
i just want to say the words thank you
나는 뭐가 이리 마음속이 복잡한 건지
why is it that my heart is so complicated inside
고마워 또 사랑해
thank you and i love you
너에게 모든 이에게 전합니다
i’m telling you, telling everyone

Love is all all is love
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
그런 사람이 될래
i want to be that kind of person

We don’t know love until we die
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
like a lie
그런 사랑을 할래
i want to have that kind of love
Love is all all is love
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
그런 사람이 될게
i will be that kind of person

We don’t know love until we die
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
like a lie
그런 사랑을 할게
i will have that kind of love
Love is all all is love
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
그런 사람이 될래
i want to be that kind of person

We don’t know love until we die
다 아는 것처럼
as if you know everything
like a lie
그런 사랑을 할래
i want to have that kind of love
All love is love
When night comes I can see you
I can see you
I can love you
All love is you
All love is you

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